Tuesday 11 June 2013

Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park in Japan

Cenotaph through which the Atomic Dome can be seen at Peace Memorial Park, Hiroshima, Japan.

On August 6, 1945, during World War II, military forces dropped the first atomic bomb in world history over the Japanese city of Hiroshima, killing a total of about 140,000 people. About half were killed instantly, and the other half died later from the bomb’s effects. The only building left in the wide area destroyed by the bomb was the Hiroshima Prefectural Industrial Promotion Hall, now called the Genbaku (A-Bomb) Dome, which stood directly below the point of explosion. The structure has been preserved to remain exactly the way the bomb left it.
The area surrounding the dome has since been transformed into the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park, which includes the dome, monuments to the victims, and a museum. Notable monuments in the park include a concrete arch protecting a cenotaph (or empty tomb) that contains the names of the bomb victims. Through the arch, the Peace Flame and the A-Bomb Dome are visible, in perfect alignment. The Peace Flame burns continuously, and will continue until the world is free from nuclear warfare. There is also the Children’s Peace Monument, dedicated the children who lost their lives in the bombing. Children from around the world send thousands of paper cranes to Hiroshima, which are displayed around the monument. The Children’s Peace Monument contains one of three peace bells that visitors can ring for world peace.
The Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum is also situated within the park, and offers a history of the war and the decision to bomb Hiroshima, as well as many personal stories, memorabilia, and photos from the bombing. The museum also works to promote the message of world peace and end nuclear warfare.

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